Promotional Executive Items

Does Promotional Executive Items price on our website have all charges displayed?
Every single commercial enterprise scheduling exhibitions off and on is in need of a small quantity order instead of committing to a large one and would like to have a selection of all options of printing services which may differ or be not offered at all but typically is unchanged.
If your marketing event require a branding for order in below minimum quantity your final price may be higher due to minimum charge for print and preparation on occasions this renders your solo item's price too pricey although our eye-catching and budget range of Executive Items commonly has an option to be bought in a small quantity this is the reason ( to help you to make a decision ) we advise to ask for additional selection of quotes for example order for minimum quantity.
To be offered a custom-made price designed to meet your promotional requirements do not hesitate to allow us offer a decent option do not hesitate to contact GoPrintedItems on 056 0366 9587 or email on go@goprinteditems.com.
Here in GoPrintedItems we have no hidden price term this is the reason whichever quote is sent to our customers their price wouldn't be re-quoted even after the prices are raised and the given to customers price for branded products amounts to price per item preparation charge and print application price.