Promotional Caps & Hats
How no minimum order Promotional Caps and Hats with GoPrintedItems UK affects the price?
Brand application can vary or be not offered at all but on numerous occasions the choice is the same in a small quantity order. Scheduling trade shows every company would like to have an opportunity of all options of logo print services rather than going for order for a greater quantity so if you is in need of a small quantity order we are here to help.
Our striking collection of Caps and Hats often can be available in a small quantity but if you require a logo imprinting your final price may be higher due to minimum charge for print and preparation which once in a while renders your final solo price per item out of your budget that is why it is better to check other available options particularly for order greater than minimum to help you to make a decision.
Allow us discuss a correct alternative and give us a ring on 056 0366 9587 or email on to be offered a tailor-made price which will be tailored to achieve your promotional plans.
GoPrintedItems have no hidden price term so whichever end amount to pay is supplied to all customers their price will not be changed even after the prices increase and normally B quoted price for personalised merchandise involves item's price one-off screen charge and depending on the technique printing application price.