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The Lord of the Bags

Have you ever been shopping? Have you ever been to an airport, a railway station or a bus station? Have you ever gone on holiday? Silly questions, aren't they? Why do we bring them up? There is one reason for it. On aspect. There is...

One item to rule them all

... one item to find them. One item to connect them all and in the light pack them.

Yes, you are right. This item is the bag. The bag is one of the most powerful promotional items marketing Wizards have ever thought of using. The bag is something that makes your brand powerful and strong and you cannot be defeated by just any other dark Sorcerer representing your competitors.

Trolley bag GP54944

Trolley bag GP54944

When you get the bag, you become indestructible and your message will reach even the furthest regions of the Middle-earth GoPrintedItems: Bags is the biggest promotional item distributor in its British part.

One item to carry

All Wizards, Elves and Dwarfs exchange their paper and electronic goods for top quality customised products with various signs and engravings (sometimes called logos) in order to show how big they are and demonstrate their position among others.

Backpack GP54276

Backpack GP54276

If you represent Travel Agent Elves from the Woods you know that before any journey can take place the bag needs to be packed.

Do you want others to know who has organised this adventure? Do you want others to pack their precious belongings into the bag with your enchanted engraving which brings them all to your doorstep? If so, you need to point your vision to the category for conference bags and suitcases and let the spell fall upon you.

Are you a Trading Dwarf perhaps?

Do you want all Middle-earth's beings to leave their coin in your mine? Great!

But have you thought of what you are going to pack in the stuff they bought? It must be the bag. So called the shopping bag to make them all come back.

For more goods, for more bags. Wise men say that the more shopping bags you have the better for you. You can pack more for more buyers and they carry your sign around the big mining complex (sometimes called shopping centres) where they buy more and more goods.

Everyone they meet can see the sign, your unique message that your mine provides good bags when they buy at your place. According to tribal elderly the bag is something you should get in order to appear better than your competitors.

Organic cotton bags for fruit and vegetables GP50945

Organic cotton bags for fruit and vegetables GP50945

It will be a perfect promotional item regardless the branch you are operating in. Get it and become the LOTB!
